For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

– ‭‭John‬ ‭3:16

For the mountains shall depart And the hills be removed, But My kindness shall not depart from you, Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” Says the LORD, who has mercy on you.

– Isaiah‬ ‭54:10

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.

– ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭91:1-2




8th Standard  Sec – Total Marks – 50

Total Time: 90 Minutes:

25 x 2 = 50 Marks

Multiple Choice: Answer all the questions:


Please fill in your details…

1 / 11

1. Salvation – Select appropriate answers?

2 / 11

2. Salvation – Define “Salvation‘Why is it necessary for mankind?


3 / 11

3. Salvation – The Gospel is the good news that God, in wondrous grace has abundantly provided this salvation through the person and work of His beloved Son according to the Bible verse:

4 / 11

4. Salvation – What must the sinner do in order to experience this salvation?

5 / 11

5. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – What is Regeneration?

6 / 11

6. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Indwelling of the Holy Spirit”?

7 / 11

7. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”?

8 / 11

8. Salvation and the Holy spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Anointing of the Holy Spirit”?

9 / 11

9. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Filling of the Holy Spirit”?

10 / 11

10. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Blotting out the name”?

11 / 11

11. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Death of six hundred thousand Israelites”?



8th Standard  Sec – Total Marks – 50

Total Time: 90 Minutes:

25 x 2 = 50 Marks

Multiple Choice: Answer all the questions:


Please fill in your details…

1 / 25

PART – 1

Lesson 36 : The Heresy of Infant Baptism

1. The Heresy of Infant Baptism


2 / 25

2. Baptism of Israel


3 / 25

3. Baptism of John the Baptist

4 / 25

4. The Baptism of the Lord Jesus


5 / 25

5. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit


6 / 25

PART – 2

Lesson 37 : Life Application of Baptism.

6. Apostle Paul Say : Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation:


7 / 25

7.  How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?


8 / 25

8. We are alive with him.

9 / 25

9. For me to live is Christ

10 / 25

10. Rom 12:2 & Rom 8:29

11 / 25

PART – 3

Lesson 38 :  The Lord’s Supper

11. In our time God has provided an ordinance that prompts the memory? It is called


12 / 25

12. He instituted this this new supper:

13 / 25

13. It is a memorial to Christ’s sacrificial death.

14 / 25

14. As we partake of this supper we are bidden to examine ourselves:

15 / 25

15. Acts 20:7 are a clear indication of it’s weekly occurrence:

16 / 25


PART – 4

Lesson 39 :  Lord’s Supper (Cont’d)

16. This is the teaching that the elements of bread and wine literally become the body and blood of christ:

17 / 25

17. Martin Luther said that Christ is bodily present in the bread and in the cup at the moment of partaking:


18 / 25

18. Who call it ‘MASS’ and say that Christ performs an actual, immediate sacrificial activity whenever it is observed?


19 / 25

19. Who should partake in the Lord’s supper?


20 / 25

20. Clear teaching of the New Testament is that the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ is final and complete:


21 / 25

PART – 5

Lesson 40:  Separation

21. The command of Separation:

22 / 25

22. And God saw the light, that it was good: And God divided the light from the darkness.


23 / 25

23. Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, as of woolen and linen together


24 / 25

24. Not unequally yoked (The believer is commanded not to be yoked with unbelievers)


25 / 25

25. Romans 12.2 we are told not to be ——————– to this world bot to be ———— by renewing of your mind.




8th Standard  Sec – Total Marks – 50

Total Time: 90 Minutes:

25 x 2 = 50 Marks

Multiple Choice: Answer all the questions:


Please fill in your details…

1 / 25

1. Salvation – Select appropriate answers?

2 / 25

2. Salvation – Define “Salvation‘Why is it necessary for mankind?


3 / 25

3. Salvation – The Gospel is the good news that God, in wondrous grace has abundantly provided this salvation through the person and work of His beloved Son according to the Bible verse:

4 / 25

4. Salvation – What must the sinner do in order to experience this salvation?

5 / 25

5. Salvation – identify which are the below statement are true

6 / 25

6. Salvation – How may one know for certain that he is saved?

7 / 25

7. Salvation – The present involves the salvation from sin’s power or control?

8 / 25

8.  The future involves salvation from sin’s presence

9 / 25

9. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – What is Regeneration?

10 / 25

10. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Indwelling of the Holy Spirit”?

11 / 25

11. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”?

12 / 25

12. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Anointing of the Holy Spirit”?

13 / 25

13. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Filling of the Holy Spirit”?

14 / 25

14. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – Apostle Paul, divides people into categories.

15 / 25

15. Salvation and the Holy Spirit – Holy Spirit as earnest

16 / 25

16. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Blotting out the name”?

17 / 25

17. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Death of six hundred thousand Israelites”?

18 / 25

18. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Endure unto the end, to get saved”:

19 / 25

19. Refutation of Arguments – Choose the right answers with regard to “Work out your Salvation” :

20 / 25

20. Refutation of Arguments – Burning of Thorns and briars:

21 / 25

21. Security of Salvation – A sinner, when he accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, he is saved once for all based on the which Bible verses given below:

22 / 25

22. Security of Salvation – the problem of Eternal Security: Can a person, once saved, become lost again? This is a question, often asked by many. Which of the following statement gives very clear indication that a person is saved eternally?

23 / 25

23. Security of Salvation – How does God deal with the sins of believers. Identify the appropriate answers?

24 / 25

24. Security of Salvation – Our salvation is Secure – Identify the appropriate answers?

25 / 25

25. Security of Salvation – Salvation means rebirth– Identify the appropriate answers?



8th Standard  Sec – Total Marks – 50

Total Time: 90 Minutes:

25 x 2 = 50 Marks

Multiple Choice: Answer all the questions:


Please fill in your details…

1 / 25

1. (Lesson 5) Justification, Sanctification and Glorification – please select right answers in connection with “Justification”:


2 / 25

2. Lesson 5) Justification, Sanctification and Glorification– please select right answers in connection with “Sanctification”:

3 / 25

3. (Lesson 5) Justification, Sanctification and Glorification– please select right answers in connection with “Glorification”:


4 / 25

4. (Lesson 5) Justification, Sanctification and Glorification– please select right answers in connection with “Sanctification”:

5 / 25

5. (Lesson 6) Baptism– What is baptism? Select the appropriate answers”:


6 / 25

6. (Lesson 6) Baptism– What is the meaning of baptism? Select the appropriate answers regarding the meaning of Baptism”:

7 / 25

7. (Lesson 6) Baptism– In water Baptism, the person come out of the water, it symbolizes his resurrection with Christ as per the Bible verse:


8 / 25

8. (Lesson 6) Baptism– Select the right order on the below.

9 / 25

9. Lesson 7 – The Heresy of Infant Baptism

The Heresy of Infant Baptism:

Choose the right reference :

10 / 25

10. Lesson 7 – The Heresy of infant Baptism

The Baptism of Israel:

Choose the right reference :

11 / 25

11. Lesson 7 – The Heresy of infant Baptism

Babtism of the John the Babtist:

Choose the right answer:

12 / 25

12. Lesson 7 – The Heresy of infant Baptism

The Babtism of the Lord Jesus

Choose the right answer:

13 / 25

13. Lesson 7 – The Heresy of infant Baptism

The Babtism of the Holy Spirit

Choose the right answer:

14 / 25

14. Lesson 8 – Life application of Babtism 1

Apostle Paul Say : Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new Christian.

Choose the right reference:

15 / 25

15. Lesson 8 – Life application of Babtism

How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?

Choose the right reference:

16 / 25

16. Lesson 8 – Life application of Babtism

We are alive with Him

Choose the right reference:

17 / 25

17. Lesson 8 – Life application of Babtism For me to live is Christ: Choose the right reference:  

18 / 25

18. Lesson 8 – Life application of Babtism

Rom 12.2 and Rom 8.29 :

Choose the right answer:


19 / 25

19. Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Supper

In our time God has provided an ordinance that prompts the memory?

It is called:

Choose the right answer:

20 / 25

20. Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Supper

He instituted this new Supper:

Choose the right reference:

21 / 25

21. Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Supper

It is a memorial to Christ’s sacrificial death.

Choose the right reference:

22 / 25

22. Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Supper

As we partake of this Lord’s supper, we bidden to examine ourselves:

Choose the right reference:

23 / 25

23. Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Supper

Acts 20.7 are a clear indication of it’s weekly occurrence

Choose the right answer:

24 / 25

24. (Lesson 9) (The Lord’s Supper)-The Coming Kingdom:

25 / 25

25. (Lesson 9) (The Lord’s Supper)- The Proper Administration:




1st Semester
18th June 2022

8th Standard  – Total Marks – 50

Total Time: 90 Minutes:

25 x 2 = 50 Marks

Multiple Choice: Answer all the questions:


Please fill in your details…

1 / 25

1. Salvation – Select appropriate answers?

2 / 25

2. Salvation – Define “Salvation ‘Why is it necessary for mankind?


3 / 25

3. Salvation – The Gospel is the good news that God, in wondrous grace has abundantly provided this salvation through the person and work of His beloved Son according to the Bible verse:

4 / 25

4. Salvation – What must the sinner do in order to experience this salvation?


5 / 25

5. Salvation – Identify which are the below statements are true

6 / 25

6. Salvation – How may one know for certain that he is saved? 

7 / 25

7. Salvation – The present involves the salvation from sin’s power or control? 

8 / 25

8. Salvation – The future involves salvation from sin’s presence.

9 / 25


9. Salvation and the Holy spirit – What is Regeneration?



10 / 25


10. Salvation and the Holy spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Indwelling of the Holy Spirit”?



11 / 25


11. Salvation and the Holy spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”?



12 / 25

12. Salvation and the Holy spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Anointing of the Holy Spirit”?

13 / 25


13. Salvation and the Holy spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Filling of the Holy Spirit”? 



14 / 25


14. Salvation and the Holy spirit – Apostle Paul, divides people into categories.



15 / 25


15. Salvation and the Holy spirit – Holy Spirit as earnest



16 / 25

16. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Blotting out the name”?

17 / 25


17. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Death of six hundred thousand Israelites”?



18 / 25


18. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Endure unto the end, to get saved”: 



19 / 25

19. Refutation of Arguments – Choose the right answers with regard to “Work out your Salvation”

20 / 25

20. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Burning of Thorns and briars”



21 / 25


21. Security of Salvation – A sinner, when he accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, he is saved once for all based on the which Bible verses given below:



22 / 25

22. Security of Salvation – the problem of Eternal Security: Can a person, once saved, become lost again? This is a question, often asked by many. Which of the following statement gives very clear indication that a person is saved eternally?



23 / 25


23. Security of Salvation – How does God deal with the sins of believers. Identify the appropriate answers?



24 / 25


24. Security of Salvation – Our salvation is Secure – Identify the appropriate answers?



25 / 25


25. Security of Salvation – Salvation means rebirth– Identify the appropriate answers?





8th Standard  Sec – Total Marks – 50

Total Time: 90 Minutes:

25 x 2 = 50 Marks

Multiple Choice: Answer all the questions:


Please fill in your details…

1 / 25

1. Salvation – Define “Salvation‘Why is it necessary for mankind?

2 / 25

2. Salvation – What must the sinner do in order to experience this salvation?

3 / 25

3. Salvation –Identify which are the below statements are true

4 / 25

4. Salvation – How may one know for certain that he is saved?

5 / 25

5. (Lesson 6) Baptism– What is baptism? Select the appropriate answers”:

6 / 25

6. (Lesson 6) Baptism– What is the meaning of baptism? Select the appropriate answers regarding the meaning of Baptism”:

7 / 25

7. (Lesson 6) Baptism– In water Baptism, the person come out of the water, it symbolizes his resurrection with Christ as per the Bible verse:


8 / 25

8. (Lesson 6) Baptism– Select the right order on the below.

9 / 25

9. Lesson 7 – The Heresy of Infant Baptism

The Heresy of Infant Baptism:

Choose the right reference :


10 / 25

10. Lesson 7 – The Heresy of infant Baptism

The Baptism of Israel:

Choose the right reference :

11 / 25

11. Lesson 7 – The Heresy of infant Baptism

Babtism of the John the Babtist:

Choose the right answer:

12 / 25

12. Lesson 7 – The Heresy of infant Baptism

The Babtism of the Lord Jesus

Choose the right answer:

13 / 25

13. Lesson 7 – The Heresy of infant Baptism

The Babtism of the Holy Spirit

Choose the right answer:

14 / 25

14. Lesson 8 – Life application of Babtism

Apostle Paul Say : Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new Christian.
Choose the right reference:

15 / 25

15. Lesson 8 – Life application of Babtism

How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?

Choose the right reference:

16 / 25

16. Lesson 8 – Life application of Babtism

We are alive with Him

Choose the right reference:

17 / 25

17.  Lesson 8 – Life application of Babtism For me to live is Christ: Choose the right reference:

18 / 25

18. Lesson 8 – Life application of Babtism

Rom 12.2 and Rom 8.29 :

Choose the right answer:



19 / 25

19. Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Supper

In our time God has provided an ordinance that prompts the memory?

It is called:

Choose the right answer:

20 / 25

20. Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Supper

He instituted this new Supper:

Choose the right reference:

21 / 25

21. Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Supper

It is a memorial to Christ’s sacrificial death.

Choose the right reference:

22 / 25

22. Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Supper

As we partake of this Lord’s supper, we bidden to examine ourselves:

Choose the right reference:

23 / 25

23. Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Supper

Acts 20.7 are a clear indication of it’s weekly occurrence

Choose the right answer: